
UK-FOOD [CAFE] Workhouse Cafe

Workhouse Cafe
Address: Perry Rd, Bristol, Avon BS1 5BG

  Cafe area
  Menu (the last page also explain where their ingredients come from)

   My steak salad. The main dishes will be on the blackboard everyday. Today they have another jerk chicken salad also sounds really good. My salad is with green leaves and grilled aubergine.

   H had vegetarian quiche and salad as side dish. I like their side salad as well. The amount is enough for a light meal!! So many different kind of salad!

When we had friends visiting, we also took them here for English breakfast. Their full English breakfast is also great. Especially the tomato sauce of the baked beans, it's home made. Really, really tasty. The breakfast also comes with a free coffee or tea.

UK-FOOD [MARKET] Matina (St. Nicholas Mkt)


This is the best food stand at St. Nicholas market. The staff (owner?) is really kind, always says "hello! My friend! What would you like to have my friend?" We had a little chat with him, he comes to the shop around 8-9 in the morning and makes all the food before opening. Fresh, homemade food with local ingredient. I don't see any reason not to have our lunch there. ;)

   St. Nicholas Market                                     Matina. With some seats to eat in.

   Around 11:30 in the morning. If you come here between 12-2, you have to stay in a long queue.
   The kitchen.

   Vegetarian set. Looks fantastic!!

   My lamb wrap.

Their wrap is the best I've eaten in my life! Probably because of the bread they use is freshly made. Not like most wrap, the bread is thicker and has much nicer taste with all the fillings. Yumyum~~

This is definitely our first choice every time we come to St. Nicholas Market!!

UK-FOOD [PUB] Asian Pop

Asian Pop

They only have 2 main dishes, Okonomiyaki and Wonton. Both of us had Okonomiyaki this time. This type of Japanese pancake has always been my favorite dish. We have it in most night markets in Taiwan and I just can't not buying it when I go to the night market in Zhongli, my home town.

As a pop-up restaurent, you never know where they are going to be next time. When we saw that they are at Crofters Rights, we decided to go right away. Street food with a brilliant craft ale, nothing can be better than this! The display of the Okonomiyaki is nice. But, honestly, as a person who eats Okonomiyaki all the time (even in Japan), their Okonimiyaki is a bit different than the original one. It tastes good, just different. I rekon it's because of the cabbage. I haven't see the same cabbage as the one we use in Taiwan and Japan here in the UK. Neither in Australia. With the British cabbage it's difficult to make exactly same Okonomiyaki as the original one. I totally understand that.

Maybe next time I should choose wonton and see how it goes ha!

UK-FOOD [CAFE] Spicer+Cole

1 Queen Square Ave, Bristol BS1 4JA
0117 922 0513

This cafe has 2 shops in Bristol. One in the city centre at Queen Square one in Clifton. H went to the one at Queen Square first, when we were in Clifton one day we decided to come here for a quick lunch.

Everyday they have lots of fresh and lovely sandwich options. Green salad and quiche.

Another day when we went to Clifton, I went to this cafe again and had afternoon tea there. Their carrot cake is good. The icing is not too sweet. The tea pot is the same one as Tate Modern. You can buy it from the museum shop. I love it so much!!

No matter quick lunch or afternoon tea, I think this cafe is definitely a top choice. :))


Baba's Kitchen
34 Stokes Croft, Bristol BS1 3QD, England

On Stokes Croft there's so many nice, local, independent and affordable restaurants. Today we choose Baba's Kitchen as our first visit.

   Look from outside.


   Harira (Moroccan Soup) 2.90

   Mint tea 

   Vegetarian Tagine (We chose couscous with our main dish.) 4.99 
   Chicken Tagine (With loads of chicken, very tasty).

We have walked pass this restaurant many times, finally we made up our mind to give it a try. Moroccan food never let us down. Our favorate food stand in St. Nicholas Market is Moroccan food. This one is also a really nice restaurant. With affordable price and proper seats. We definitely will come back in the future. :))


NL Holiday weekend-June 5-7


晚餐爸爸煮spaghetti,超美味的整個飽到爆炸。因為雨實在太討厭所以carrot cake的材料決定明天早上再買。





星期六是外婆生日趴幾乎一整天都在Almelo的森林餐廳,爸媽出了一道題目,星期日三兄弟要準備three courses的晚餐,W負責前菜,L負責主菜,我們則負責甜點。臨時把瑞秋給的Cheese cake receipt端出來還好沒太失敗@@ 真的是嚇屎我了 ><

   Starter: pumpkin soup by W.

  Main: Melanzane alla Parmigiana and pasta

   Dessert: Cheese cake.



NL holiday weekend

為了外婆的生日會加上順便申請family permit,我們星期二(6/3)早上飛回荷蘭,一下飛機馬不停蹄的奔去簽證辦事處(感謝H的朋友載我們)。到了很傻眼的是:什麼辦公室根本是租一間會議室擺張桌子收資料啊!太瞎了!還要收辦公室使用費是哪招?根本吸血蟲!

我們的預約是12:50可是一直到一點半左右才輪我們繳資料@@ 超級沒效率的!全部弄好拖著行李去找L拿鑰匙,順便參觀了一下他高級的辦公室(律師事務所耶!)搭計程車去他家(因為某人不想拖行李),結果3道鎖其中一個怎樣都打不開@@ H偏偏這時有一個重要的電話要打,就在樓梯間用L的wifi電話會議,我順便上網找飯店(太需要洗個澡等等要去CSS DAY 的Speaker dinner咧),還好附近有一間不貴的apartment就趕快check in了 ><


臨時動議,L邀請我們和W明晚在他家吃飯,所以我明天要再待一晚,後天才和H一起回Leeuwarden. :)


NL FOOD [Restaurant] Suriname roti


三年前在荷蘭我最想念的就是Suriname (蘇利南)的roti。因為殖民的關係荷蘭境內到處都看得到Surinamese restaurant(大概就跟英國到處是印度餐廳一樣)。在Amsterdam市中心講到roti我們一定會來這間吃~ 道地不觀光客價格合理~ 去年聖誕節回來沒吃到的我該了半年,今天說什麼也要自己一個人跑來吃阿啊啊~ 看我狼吞虎嚥的!整盤吃光!太佩服自己了!

 在Waterlooplein metro station一下樓梯的旁邊,小小的一間店。
  每次都跟腦公來第一次自己來才發現menu都是荷蘭文...囧。用英文點了chicken roti,啊就是我一直想吃的啊!加一杯茶一共8歐元!市中心的價格真是太親民了而且超飽!

每次有人問我在荷蘭要吃什麼?我都一定會跟他們說要吃roti阿啊啊~不過我還真沒看到有誰跑來吃 >< 好像只有在地人才會來哈哈哈.....(裝荷蘭人)。