
Surprise me road trip~ 給我驚喜旅行規劃

幾週前腦公看一看他的行程表,突然發現有3-4天的假期,立馬問我要不要出去玩?我當然說好啊,可是,要去哪玩?腦公突發奇想說他想試試一個網站很久了!他是荷蘭的網站,叫“Surprise Me”就是“給我驚喜”。近入網站後填寫要坐飛機還是開車還是大眾運輸,預計幾天的假期。我們選擇開車 > 三天兩夜 > 鄉村(或都市)> 距離選最遠的 350公里

One day H was checking his schedule, then he found out that he'll have 3-4 days off the next week. We wanted to go travelling but we don't know where, then H decided to try "Surprise Me".
Basically you only need to tell them you want to go by flight/car/public transport, how many days, city or suburb. Then they will arrange everything for you. We chose road trip, 3 days 2 nights, suburb. Then filled out some personal information and paid. Now, we don't need to do anything, don't know where we are going, just wait until the day.....


Our trip was on Wednesday. The Friday before we got the information about the weather of our destination, it was about 21-23 degrees and some cloud some sun. Sounds pretty good. On Saturday we received a package, with the road map, a black envelope (with our accommodation in it) and a card. The card has a scratch place with codes inside. We can only scratch it on the day of departure and enter the code on the website, then we will find out the direction we should drive to. We tried the night before our departure date and it didn't work hahaha.

 出發當天輸入密碼得知我們的方向是"Mechelen",我還認真google了一下得知是在比利時~我倆還恍然大悟地到處說“原來是要去比利時啊!” 殊不知這只是“方向”啊!導航定位Mechelen開一開腦公說要去休息站尿尿,在比利時境內我們把地圖拿出來,地圖旁邊又有一個刮刮樂,裡面藏著我們的最終目的地!兩人決定就在休息站給他刮開!一看!啥鬼?居然是法國!

On the day of departure, we logged on the website and found out that our direction is "Mechelen", a nice town in Belgium. After picked up the car and setted the navigation to Mechelen, we told everyone we are going to Belgium. While resting at a service, we took out our road trip and found that our 'destination' is hiding under the scratch!! We decided to do it, and then, found out........ We are actually going to FRANCE!!!

我們的民宿是18世紀的建築,民宿老闆娘超可愛可是英文很不好@@ (不過還是非常和藹的告訴我們房子的歷史!)老闆娘也推薦了兩個鄰近的城市隔天可以去看看。check in 後就先在這可愛的鄉村走走啦!(旁邊有步道,我們就去走了6公里左右@@)

This is our lovely accommodation. The room is amazing and the host is brilliant! She recommended us some nearby cities to visit and there's a walk next to the house. We decided to look around this villiage after checked in and then go for the walk for nearly 6 kms....

這個根本就是蜜月套房啊!圓形的床,衛浴在樓上,房間小可是超可愛的!感覺就是老闆跟老闆娘自己蓋的!早餐在房間吃,老闆娘前一天會問要幾點吃,約定的時間到了會聽到一串的雞啼鳥叫牛鳴(從喇叭出來的)然後門一開就會發現早餐籃!XD 太有趣了!

The room is like for honeymoon!! Round bed, ensuite (bathroom upstairs), espresso machine with coffee, tea, hot chocolate! Fridge and microwave!! The breakfast is in the room, when the arranged time arrives, we will hear 'special sounds' then open the door, we found a basket full of fresh crossiant, bread, cheese, jam and fruit! Fresh orange juice is in the fridge every day! This is like heaven hahaha~


The next day we visited Lille, really pretty and big city. Everyone is so friendly (a guy came to us while I was checking my googlemap, then he told us to go into a hidden market!)

因為車程一個半小時,晚餐決定去離民宿最近的大城市Maubeuge去吃。跟Lille比起來Maubeuge感覺是老人住的地方@@雖然他在地圖上看起來也頗大..... 無魚蝦也好,還是比我們的小鎮選擇多了!


The second day we visited Mons on the way back. As the European Culture Capital of 2015, Mons has attracted a lot of attention of visitors. This beautiful city reminds me of Italy! Maybe because of it's hills and old buildings. We really enjoy this city! Unfortunately They don't have any exhibitions about the culture capital anymore.


Mons is really pretty. Not sure what was happening but the rubbish bags are everywhere around the city (maybe the cleaners are on strike). We can see many signs and flags about European Culture Capital but when we entered the main building the staff told us that there's nothing to see here. We went to the design museum, while no visitor was there and the staff was almost sleeping! It's really sad to see that they have got so much budget from EU and after a year it feels nothing improved. :( We couldn't stay long becasue we wanted to be back to Rotterdam before the traffic, so we left after lunch. Maybe next time I would like to stay there for a night and get to know about the city more!


Little gem next door- Schiedam 琴酒的故鄉-斯希丹



Few weeks ago H and I decided to go biking since the weather is too nice. I insisted that I want to go to Schiedam because it's really close to us (about 6 kms away, 20 mins by bike) and it's the home town of jenever (H was really surprised that I have this information). Anyway, we went on the way after brunch. It's really nice to cycle in the Netherlands as bike lanes are everywhere and the entire country are designed for cyclists I think.

首先前往Witte de Withstraat吃roti!! 想說待會要騎腳踏車點素的好了,殊不知roti餐廳整個佛心來的,一盤6歐吧這麼大份是想逼死誰.....我每次吃每次想說下次點三明治就好就是學不乖啊因為太好吃了....嗚嗚....

Our brunch is one of our favorite dish: Suriname roti!! Since we are going to cycle later I ordered vegetarian one in case I will be too full.... The fact is, I should have ordered sandwich.... This is really massive portion and we both ended up incrediably full before our road trip....


The whole point of visiting Schiedam for me is the Jenever Museum. It's right next to the canal. We can visit with our museumkaart and the front desk lady is super friendly, she told us that few minutes later there will be a group of people visiting and they will have an introduction tour. We can join them for free! Amazing!



Schiedam is really a beautiful old town! Because we were here on Sunday so most shops on high street are closed. But then we heard some live music, followed the sound it was in front of the central library! Ordered a beer at the cafe next door and enjoy the live music, what a life! Too bad we only have one afternoon in this little town. But don't worry, since it's so close to Rotterdam I believe we will be back at some time. :)



Planet Pizza

We went to their Gloucester Road branch. They also have one on Cotham Hill.
187 Gloucester Rd
0117 9444717

Planet Pizza is recommended by my friend as a 'must try' restaurant before we left Bristol. We chose a Tuesday evening to have our dinner there as they offer £7.95 for a 9" pizza, a pint and a side. Which is a really brilliant bargan!!

All their Pizzas are named after the planets. Which makes the menu really interesting. They offer white pizza as well! I haven't seen it since I left Rome. The pizza is also Italian style which is thin and light.

Uranus Pizza. (Chicken, smokey bacon, roast peppers, tapenade&fresh chilli)

My pizza, side salad (can choose chips) and a pint

Dessert: Belgian waffle w/banana&hot choc fudge sauce
Their restaurant on Gloucester Road has many seats and it's very nice for friends to have a meal together. On the day we arrived almost all the tables are fully booked. We were lucky that the tables at the back was still available (we arrived early as well). If you plan to dine out with friends on a busy night reservation will be recommended. They also offer Buy 1 get 1 free, Sunday-Wednesday 5-7pm and Monday-Friday any 9" for £5 till 5pm.

UK-FOOD [CAFE] Better Food Company

The Better Food Company
Scrapstore House,
21 Sevier Street,
St Werburghs,
Bristol, BS2 9LB
0117 935 1725

Everytime when we go to IKEA or Tesco Eastern we will go pass the Better Food Company. It's a supermarket with organic products and a cafe inside. We have tries their cakes before which was also very tasty. As an eco lover, we love to get our dishwashing, laundry washing and conditioner etc here. You can bring your empty bottle and refill in the shop which is awesome! We also tried their breakfast before we left Bristol.

Veg full English breakfast. Home made patty with baked beans, fried egg, portobell mushroom, fried tomatoes and toast.

H was complaining that the pasty is burned. He really doesn't like burned food I am afraid. @@

I had simple breakfast because soon I am going to have luch together with my colleagues.

Homemade granola with apple and pumpkin seeds.

Although I ordered granola with yoghurt which supposes to be light, but this dish has the most granola I've ever had!! I ended up having some left over because we didn't have any space to eat more! Which also helped us to eat less for lunch though....

All in all, unfortunately I won't recommend the breakfast in the better food company as there are way more nice options in Bristol for tasty breakfast! And because they are half self-service so we wait half hour to get the table clean after we sat down and more than 45 mins to get our food. We ordered a crossiant which I don't think it will need to be cooked but the crossiant also comes with the food.....

Maybe next time we should try a different dish if we got chance haha.



La Taverma Di Emma
Via Carlo Cammeo, 50, 56122, Pisa, Italy
T: 050.555003

In 2014 we had a short trip to Pisa, Italy. Our B&B host recommended this restaurant to us. It's right at the back of Piazza del Duomo. Our host drove us to there after checking in. Luckly we only wait for about 10 minutes then there's a table for 2 available.

The staff can't really speak English and the menu is all in Italian (this is a really good sign, this means it's not open for tourists and people who ate there seems to be locals). Although H can read some Italian (only about food), some dishes if he never seen or had before he still have no clue what it is. So we ordered the simplest dishes (or common dishes), and it was amazing! (We haven't had any bad food in Italy anyway!)


The food is just as good as it can be.
They are No. 19 in Pisa on Tripadvisor. I remember after our first night H wanted to go back again for dinner! Because it's just so nice and the location is right at the centre. Pisa is not a big town and the tourist area are full of restaurants that looks like they only open for non locals.   

I want to go to Italy every year hahaha.